SITE KING Mens Cargo Combat Work Shorts Size 28 to 52 Black Navy Khaki WORKWEAR -

SITE KING Mens Cargo Combat Work Shorts Size 28 to 52 Black Navy Khaki WORKWEAR

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Mens SITE KING Cargo Combat Work Shorts

  • SKS006
  • SKS006
  • SKS006
  • SKS006

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    SKS006 Mens Combat Cargo Work Shorts By Site King

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Main Features

  • Available Sizes from 28 to 52 Inch Waist, Short, Regular, or Long Leg Length.
  • Available Colours: Black, Navy, and Khaki.
  • YKK Zip Fly with Button Fastening at the Waist.
  • 2 Standard Side Pockets.
  • 2 Rear Cargo Pockets with Touch & Close Flaps.
  • 2 Thigh Cargo Pockets with Touch & Close Flaps.
  • 2 Pen and Tool Pockets.
  • Sewn in Front Crease.
  • Twin Belt Loops Reinforced for Extra Strength.
  • 245GSM Polycotton Material; 65% Polyester 35% Cotton.
  • Machine Washable at 85 Degrees.


It’s not a secret that Site King is the undisputed leader in the workwear industry. In fact, we’ve been selling work trousers for over 20 years. But now, we’re proud to offer you a whole new type of workwear: The Site King Work Shorts! It’s been designed from scratch to make sure you have all the features you need for your workday without compromising on comfort. If you’re looking for a pair of work shorts that can be used in warmer conditions, the Site King Work Shorts provide the perfect solution to those looking for a cooler alternative to traditional workwear. The lightweight, breathable material makes it ideal to move around all day long, and the pockets are the perfect addition for the on-the-go working man.

Our Work Shorts are all about style, performance and comfort. Site King Work Shorts are perfect for both the office and the outdoors. They’re designed with a special blend of fabric that allows them to flex throughout the day without easily tearing. They can be machine washed to quickly get out those workplace materials that soon embed themselves within the work shorts. If you’re looking for durable, comfortable shorts that’ll last, look no further. Choose from a selection of sizes and colours. Waist sizes range from 28 – 52 with the inside leg coming in 4 sizes; Short 9”, Regular 11”, Long 13”, Extra Long 15”. The colours available are Black, Navy blue and Khaki,

Our Combat Cargo Work Shorts come with many features. It’s time to ditch those old, uncomfortable cargo shorts and make the switch to Combat Cargo Work Shorts! The tradesman working shorts for men are perfect for any task, on or off the job site. We designed our Combat Cargo Work Shorts with great features like 2 thigh pen pockets that are perfect for storing your items, a front crease to keep the shorts at the right length, and reinforced belt loops for extra strength. With these features and additional benefits like button fastening at the waist and twin belt loops, you’ll be able to power through your entire day without worry.

Delivery & Purchases

Site King Outlet Store strives to provide the best possible service to all customers, so we make every effort to fulfil all orders as efficiently possible. Orders are shipped via Royal Mail or DPD and are tracked throughout their journey. Your order will usually be processed the same day if placed before 14:00 GMT during business days (Monday-Friday excluding bank holidays).

If you provide us with your mobile number during checkout, our courier will text you with updates about when you can expect to receive your order. Depending on the delivery service, you can also arrange for your item to be delivered to a safe location, a neighbour, or to be collected at a pickup point of your choice across the UK. This can be done by using the tracking information provided via the carrier’s website.

We are unable to modify details of an order after it has been placed.
Please make sure that your delivery address is correct before confirming your purchase.

Returns & Refund Policy

We offer a full refund within the first 30 days of purchase. So, if you’ve simply changed your mind or if you have discovered a fault in the product, you are entitled to a refund. In the event that the product is faulty please contact us before returning the item.

If you are dissatisfied with your purchase in any way, please contact us first to resolve the issue. We will be happy to help! In the meantime, please allow us the opportunity to rectify any issues you may have before posting negative feedback so we may assist you properly and efficiently.

Specification: SITE KING Mens Cargo Combat Work Shorts Size 28 to 52 Black Navy Khaki WORKWEAR

Leg Length

9" Short, 11" Regular, 13" Long, 15" Long Length


28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52


Black, Navy Blue, Khaki


No Pattern


Button & Zip Fly


Business, Casual, Workwear

Fabric Wash


Garment Care

Machine Washable

Waist Size

28 to 52 in


Cotton, Polyester

Fabric Type







Mid (10-12 in)





Size Type




Pocket Type

Cargo Pocket






Breathable, Easy Care, Pockets


Autumn, Spring, Summer



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SITE KING Mens Cargo Combat Work Shorts Size 28 to 52 Black Navy Khaki WORKWEAR
SITE KING Mens Cargo Combat Work Shorts Size 28 to 52 Black Navy Khaki WORKWEAR
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